Its the holidays and tax season is underway! Everyone is looking for bundles to buy.... luckily I got you covered! I do hair on my spare time and I run across a lot of different hair. I always ask my clients “Hey where’d you buy your bundles”. Here’s a list of 3 super cheap hair companies with great hair! 1.MShereI was impressed with the quality of this hair. The closure looks very natural. My only critique is it smells, so please was it before installing. A 24” 22” 20” 18” and 16” closure is only $138.28... that’s 4 bundles and a closure! You can not beat that deal! 2.ISEE HairIsee costs a little more but you can do several installs with their bundles. Oh and ISEE doesn’t have a smell. 3. ZZY Fashion HairThis vendor takes a little longer to arrive than the other two vendors. But the hair is reasonably priced and it’s pretty good quality.
December 2018