Ladies time and time again we give men who aren't really interested in us chance after chance in hopes that he will one day grow up. We confuse the attention he gives us with genuine interest. We long for a man being wildly in love with us but somehow settle for a few text messages and sex. Just being around a man satisfies our urge to be loved and we ultimately end up selling ourselves short. For many ladies the "thought" of a man being yours has become a viscous cycle. You talk for months, go on a few dates, have sex and he never commits. THE END. All along he showed you signs and you ignored them because you liked him. He told you he wasn't ready, he told you he didn't want to commit. Yet you waited but HES JUST NOT THAT INTO YOU.
We have endless conversations with our friends explaining our situationships. We create senarios in our heads that rarely come to past, like spending a lifetime in happiness. When in actuality we're stressed and constantly checking his social media pages to piece together clues about other women. We ask our friends for advice we dont need , we already know we should end the relationship but we hold on in hopes that things will change. Damn us women put up with a lot! But we have no one to blame but ourselves. Let go and let God. If he really likes you, he'll value you. Let him grow up and continue to do your own thing. Having sex and keeping him around only complicates the situation so gradually remove yourself. Spend time with friends, pick up a new hobby, do anything but run behind him! If he really likes you he'll respect your decision to be his friend with no sex involved. I believe what's meant to be will always be. If you really want commitment find someone who's willing to commit. Keep your options open because there's a huge chance if he won't commit now, you're probably not the one! -xoxo @pattygotcake
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